Today I've decided to rearrange my room. I had gotten tired of the way it looked, it was boring. So what i did was remove all my furniture from my room. Then sweeped and cleaned up. And I did it while my dad was at work and i feel proud of myself as he was too. It took me about 3 hours to finish. Then after my back was hurting so I took a walk to the store. I was finally changed for once in a while.
Where I would be in 10 years would be a cook. (I have back up jobs which are a building manager or a lawyer because they make lots of money.) When I'm all grown up I'll have a nice house with three of my dream cars, a Flex which is a car that can hold like 12 people I've been in one on the way to church carrying all the members. Another car would be a drop top Mercedes, I want a drop top because I like the wind blowing in my face on the expressway and it looks really awesome, I've been in a drop top car only once in my whole entire life. Lastly the car that I would want would be a 3 wheeled motorcycle because I don't know how to ride a bike so the 3 wheels would help. But, I'd love for my nice house to be fully furnished and have a big beautiful garden. A long time from now I see my self cooking for people in my own restaurant and living a normal life. Later on in life I would be living with my girlfriend because at 23 I would be too young for a wife even though...
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