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About Me

Things about me...

- My name is George Stinson and I am from Chicago, IL and I grew up in a White House far in Blue Island and now my parents are separated and my mom lives in the nice house that can move around and my dad lives in this small apartment that I can barely fit in to go to school. But I love both of them a lot

-I love to draw, I don't know how I got into drawing but I used to trace and I would show everyone
and they would love it but I didn't feel like I did any work but one day all of a sudden I just started to draw really good and I surprised myself because I used to be a horrible drawer.

- I love to dance, to be honest I've never actually took dance lessons or anything but my brother, sister, and mother all say that I can dance and I'm like "w..what!?" I believe I can dance its just that I don't dance in front of everyone.

- I have stage freight. I don't like all the attention and if i get all of the attention I would most likely horribly mess up but i try to avoid all of the activities that do that unless I'm in a group then I don't care. I know this because when i was in 5th grade and 4th and 3rd all those years I was illn choir, yes... I used to sing and I loved it more than anything but I stopped choir and I don't know why. All my friends wanted me to join but I never joined.

- I love the color blue. When I was a little bit younger I could never decide a color, I liked purple because my brother liked purple, I even used to like green. But now I'm older I love blue the most I don't know why it's just beautiful, but i think I'm starting to like red too.

- I want to be a cook, because I LOVE food and I watch my mom cook very good food all the time and i get so jealous because I want to cook as well as her and even better because I want to learn how to cook myself. To be honest my whole family can cook except my dad I wish he could cook because at home some of the things he cooks is so nasty and I have to throw away.

This is a few things about me I really never express that much but today I'm feeling it


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