This book is called Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. This book is about a girl named Madison Whittier. The problem is that she's been sick her entire life, so sick to the point where if she goes outside, she could possibly die. Her mother found out after her father and brother died in a car crash. A truck drive fell asleep on the wheel because of an extra shift. And Madison would do the same routine over and over again until one day. New neighbors had moved in, and when they did she saw a boy named Olly, she looked at him and he looked back at her. So what she would do is find out each persons schedule and basically stalk them. And this new neighbor changed her life, encouraged her to take risks, let her find out the truth about her sickness, let her feel actual love. Madison Whittier wonders everyday what it's like to be outside. But she can never get that feeling, What if you've never been outside? How would you feel everyday? My favorite part in the book would be wh...