This book I read it’s called Quest for the Golden Apple. It starts out with a character named Phoenix. Phoenix is a miner, she lives with a whole lot villagers and she doesn’t know that she’s a miner. One day she goes out to explore the outside world. She is forbidden from going outside of the village because there are dangerous things out there. She and her villager brother go outside the border, and something happens to her brother. Which takes Phoenix out to the quest of a golden apple. It’s a long journey home. And on the way she finds a wolf that she has tamed to help her on this journey. My favorite part of this book towards the end is when her and her friends fight this witch, it was interesting. I advise the readers to read this book, if you play minecraft —I don’t but I used to— you’d like this book. It’s also a graphic novel so it’s easy to read.
Where I would be in 10 years would be a cook. (I have back up jobs which are a building manager or a lawyer because they make lots of money.) When I'm all grown up I'll have a nice house with three of my dream cars, a Flex which is a car that can hold like 12 people I've been in one on the way to church carrying all the members. Another car would be a drop top Mercedes, I want a drop top because I like the wind blowing in my face on the expressway and it looks really awesome, I've been in a drop top car only once in my whole entire life. Lastly the car that I would want would be a 3 wheeled motorcycle because I don't know how to ride a bike so the 3 wheels would help. But, I'd love for my nice house to be fully furnished and have a big beautiful garden. A long time from now I see my self cooking for people in my own restaurant and living a normal life. Later on in life I would be living with my girlfriend because at 23 I would be too young for a wife even though...
Great post, George! But what a picture of the cover or other image??